Rates and budgeting
To fund a BID programme, Auckland Council collects a targeted rate from all commercially rated properties located within an approved BID area.
To know the geographic boundary of each BID, see BID maps under
rating maps on the Auckland Council website.
Targeted rate payments to existing BIDs
We return the agreed BID targeted rate amount to the business association as a grant. The grant comes in quarterly payments: June, September, December and March. This provides a sustainable income to fund activities that support local economic development.
There is no GST on these grants as no service is provided between the business association and Auckland Council.
Property information
Check your property’s value and whether you are paying a targeted rate at the
rates and valuations property search on the Auckland Council website.
Where can I source funding to supplement the BID targeted rate?
Check out these helpful websites:
CommunityNet Aotearoa,
Trusts Community Foundation and the
Pelorus Trust.
You can also visit Auckland Council's page for
community grants and support.